1·What is it about the speed that would cause distress on the surface of the Earth?
2·The charities say that another layer of counselling could cause distress by delaying access to abortions.
3·This should be manageable as long as the economy functions smoothly, but a downturn could cause distress.
4·In the meantime they are more likely to take time off work as they become ill and their illnesses will cause distress throughout their family.
5·In a BBC Newsnight interview to be broadcast on 29 November, he says he is not afraid of death, but regrets the fact that it will cause distress to friends and family.
6·If you don't want to sound impolite, or cause embarrassment or distress of any kind to the person you're talking to, you should learn to use tactful and tentative forms in your English.
7·He reproached her faintly with being the cause of his distress.
8·The direct cause is a chemical distress signal produced in skin that is damaged by another hazard of modern life: eczema.
9·The immediate cause of everyone’s distress is an untoward sequence of weather events.
10·Shock, bradycardia and irregular breathing are important predictive signs, and severe malaria with respiratory distress is a common cause of hypoxaemia.